Rich Dad Poor Dad – Robert T. Kiyosaki

Rich Dad Poor Dad-Robert T.Kiyosaki is one of those books that everyone has heard of, but not everyone has read. It’s a classic when it comes to financial literacy, breaking down concepts of wealth-building in a way that doesn’t make you want to run away from the word ‘money.’


feature book image of rich and poor dad.

About The Book

book cover image of rich and poor dad.

“Rich Dad Poor Dad” is a personal finance book that tells the story of Robert Kiyosaki and his two dads.


Robert Kiyosaki shares his experience growing up with two father figures—his biological father (Poor Dad) and the father of his best friend (Rich Dad)—who both shaped his ideas of money but in drastically different ways.


The book focuses on the mindset you need to grow wealthy, making it clear that it’s not always about how much you make but how much you keep and how you let your money work for you.



Whether you’re into business or just looking for a way to understand personal finances better, Rich Dad Poor Dad offers practical advice without being overwhelming.



He explains why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, and how you can break free from the rat race and achieve financial freedom.



About The Author

author image of robert t kiyosaki.

Robert Kiyosaki is an American author, entrepreneur, educator, and investor.


 He is the pioneer behind Rich Father Organization, confidential monetary schooling organization that gives books, games, classes, digital broadcasts, and online seminars on individual budget and business venture. 


He is also the creator of the Cashflow board game, which teaches people how to invest and manage their money. 


He has written over 20 books, including “Rich Dad’s Cashflow Quadrant”, “Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing”, “Rich Kid Smart Kid”, “The Business of the 21st Century”, and “Fake: Fake Money, Fake Teachers, Fake Assets”.


 He is one of the most influential and controversial financial educators in the world, with more than 40 million copies of his books sold in over 100 countries and translated into 51 languages.



This book offers numerous bits of knowledge and illustrations for any person who wants to advance their monetary circumstance and achieve success. Some of the key takeaways are:

• The rich don’t work for money. Money works for the rich. The rich use money to create assets that generate passive income, while the poor and middle class work for money and spend it on liabilities that consume their income.

• There is a difference between being rich and being wealthy.

Being rich means having huge amount of cash, however being wealthy means having sufficient cash to help your ideal way of life without working. Wealth is measured by time, not by money.

Financial literacy is the key to financial success. Financial literacy is the ability to understand how money works and how to make it work for you. It involves knowing the difference between assets and liabilities, income and expenses, and cash flow and capital gains. It also involves knowing how to use debt, taxes, inflation, and risk to your advantage.

The rich have a different mindset and attitude towards money than the poor and middle class.

The rich consider cash to be an instrument and an open door, while poor people and working class consider cash to be a scant and restricted asset. The rich won’t hesitate to face challenges and commit errors, while poor people and working class are reluctant to lose cash and stay away from difficulties. The rich are continually learning and developing, while poor people and working class are self-satisfied and stale.





What You Will Learn

By reading “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, you will learn:

• How to identify and pursue your personal mission and purpose in life, and how to align them with your financial goals.
• How to develop your financial intelligence and increase your financial IQ, which is the combination of your knowledge, skills, and experience in the areas of accounting, investing, marketing, and law.
• How to create a financial plan and a budget that will help you achieve your financial goals and track your progress.
• How to choose the right assets to invest in, such as businesses, real estate, stocks, bonds, commodities, and cryptocurrencies, and how to diversify your portfolio and minimize your risk.
• How to leverage the power of leverage, which is the ability to use other people’s money, time, and resources to create wealth.
• How to use the tax system to your benefit, and how to legally reduce your tax liability and increase your cash flow.


Most Frequently Asked Questions

Five Most Frequently Asked Questions About Rich Dad Poor Dad on Google

  • Is Rich Dad Poor Dad suitable for beginners?

Yes! The book is written in a simple, easy-to-understand way, making it accessible for people new to personal finance. It doesn’t get bogged down in technical terms, so you don’t need a finance degree to follow along.

  • Is the “Rich Dad” in the book real?

Robert Kiyosaki has kept the identity of “Rich Dad” a bit of a mystery. While some speculate it’s based on a real person, others believe it’s a composite character. Either way, the lessons are valuable, regardless of whether Rich Dad was a real person or a fictional mentor.

  • What is the main lesson of Rich Dad Poor Dad?

The central idea of the book is the importance of financial literacy and how your mindset about money determines your financial success. Kiyosaki contrasts the scarcity mindset of the poor with the abundance mindset of the wealthy, showing how different approaches to money can lead to vastly different outcomes.

  • Is it worth reading Rich Dad Poor Dad in 2024?

Absolutely. While the book was first published in 1997, its principles are timeless. The emphasis on financial independence, entrepreneurship, and investing in assets rather than liabilities still holds true today.

  • Can Rich Dad Poor Dad help me become rich?

The book won’t make you rich overnight (no book will!), but it can shift your mindset toward making smarter financial decisions. If you take the lessons seriously and apply them, you can start building wealth over time.



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